COVID-19 Policies

Reopening of practice

In the absence of point of care testing, medicine, or a vaccine for this virus, we are proceeding cautiously with patient care in the midst of the pandemic. We ask you to review and sign our new addendum to your treatment consent prior to scheduling endodontic treatment.

COVID-19 resources are available on the CDC website.


Like other healthcare providers, we are putting new polices and procedures in place to minimize the risk of exposure to our patients and staff. To that end, we are changing how we work administratively and clinically. Here are a few of our new policies.


We will ask some screening questions at the time we make or confirm your appointment. We will ask them again when you arrive at our practice along with taking your temperature and oxygen saturation level. If you have any symptoms, we will reschedule your appointment. While many people have allergies this time of year, those symptoms could also be the COVID-19 virus. So, we will err on the side of caution and reschedule your appointment.

We are extending the amount of time for each appointment so there is no overlap of patients. We are asking patients to text or call when they arrive and we will let you know when it is time for you to come into the office. We are asking drivers, or others who have come with you, to wait in the car during your appointment (approximately one hour for treatment, less for consults).

Because we are extending our appointment times, we will see fewer patients in a day than we normally would. So please be patient if you have to wait longer to get scheduled with us. We will continue to do all we can to schedule emergencies within a day or two.

Clinical protocols

Part of the need for longer appointment times is so we can thoroughly clean and disinfect all of the areas within six feet of where a patient has been. Besides the operatory, that means the waiting room, front desk, restroom, doorknobs, and any surface within that six foot zone.

New questions and consent

We are adding an addendum to our health history and have an additional COVID-19 consent that patients must sign. You will find all of our forms here. Please print them out and fill them in so they are ready when it is time for your appointment. If you need any assistance with them, just call our office and we will gladly do all we can for you. 

An Immunologist's explanation of risks

As you can imagine, we have read a lot of material about COVID-19 over the past few months. This article by Dr. Erin Bromage, an Immunology professor at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, offers the best explanation (in plain English) we've found on why/how COVID-19 spreads and how to minimize your risk.

Patient Stories

Patient stories

"Thank you very much for your unbelievably generous work on my root canal. I truly appreciate your kindness and professional skill." Miriam

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